3 de novembre del 2017


Un any més hem celebrat "La Castanyada" a l'escola. Hem treballat el conte i les cançons d'aquesta festa en la que són importants: els panallets, les castanyes i  els moniats.

Aquí teniu a la nostra castanyera torrant castanyes!!!

La titella de la senyora castanyera va passar per les classes i ens va deixar bocavadats amb la narració de la seva història. 

Vet aquí una vegada...

Al cap d'una estona, van picar a la porta.
Qui será, qui será? ens preguntavem tots.
La senyora castanyera ha arribat i per les classes a passat  amb el seu cistell ple de castanyes!!!





I per si la senyora castanyera ens deixava unes castanyes... tots els nens i nenes hem fet una manualitat per poder ficar les castanyes!!!


For Halloween we have been singing songs, watching stories and making fun things to enjoy this day.

The class of mice have worked with a new book. 

Look at the story: scary?

And we have made a few ghosts with mud. We present our ghosts!

The bunny class has also worked the story with different windows showing Halloween objects. And we made some spiders with our little hands.

We love this story ... how many things...

¡Look at our spiders!

The class of snails as well as look at stories and singing songs have painted some strips to make a bat costume.
And this is the result ... let's fly...

The squirrel class has worked with stories and songs, our favourite is the haunted house song, we love it!

And we have also painted some paper cups to put our Ghost and to scare... see the result!

Desitgem que us agradi la nostra festa!!!  We wish you like our party!!!

Petit Món

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