10 de desembre del 2021


 Hello Families!

As you all know, Christmas is coming and for this reason we have told a very special story in the mice, rabbits, squirrels and snails classes.

The protagonist of this story is the star Lupita. She is the star that is on top of the Christmas tree. Lupita is sad because she sees that all her friends, who are hanging on other Christmas trees, are colored except for her. One of them is red, the other green, another yellow, the one beyond blue and the last purple. None of the stars wanted to share a bit of their color. Therefore, Lupita couldn't get her dream of being like the rainbow. At the end of the story, the colored stars realize that they have to be shared so that we all live happily. Then, Lupita shone brightly the colors of the rainbow on top of the Christmas tree.

Next, you will see how special the story is. Go down further down and you will see the photographs.

As you can see, in all the classes the boys and girls were amazed by the light show, where the protagonist goes from being a white star to being a rainbow.



Resultados de traducciónNext, you will see how special the story is. Go down further down and you will see the photographs.

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