26 de març del 2021


Aquests dies, la nostra escola s'ha omplert de flors, papallones, marietes, abelles...

Sabeu per què? 

Ja tenim aqui a la senyora primavera!

Entre tots els nens/es de l'escola hem preparat tota la decoració i ho volem compartir amb totes les famílies. 

Mirue, mireu que bonic ha quedat!


                                        CLASSE RATOLINS

                                                              CLASSE CONILLETS





                                    CLASSE ESQUIROLS

La teacher també li ha donat la benviguda a la primavera amb un mural ben maco!!!!

                       GAUDIU DE LA PRIMAVERA I  FINS AVIAT!!!!!                                                 EL PETIT MÓN

19 de març del 2021

 Feliç dia del pare!!!

Petit Món

St. Patrick's day

March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day and as you know in Petit Món we have celebrated it: we painted clovers and goblins typical of this day.

The Mice class

We painted with our hands and we painted the clover which is the symbol of St. Patrick’s Day.

Look how happy we are!

Finger is green!

The Bunny class

Like the Mice, we also worked with St. Patrick’s symbol and we painted the clover. Look at how we paint with our fingers.

We draw lots of spots with our fingers…

Let the green color paint our hands 

The Snail class

The snails listened to the Leprechaun song and we paint the elf who lives on the island of Ireland.

We have a lot of fun painting everything green.


The Squirrel class

The squirrels also listened to the Leprechaun song and have pinted the elf, do you like them?

We have a lot of fun painting with the green color and watching how our classmates do it too.

We hope you have enjoyed the drawings as much as we enjoyed making them!


See you next year! 

Petit Món