7 de juliol del 2017


The class of Mice has worked the arrival of summer, through songs. They have also made some sandals to be fresh and they have also decorated the class. Here you have all the photos. 

This is our class!

The Bunnies class has made some very colorful beach bucket and the class is very nice decorated with boats in the sea. We leave you the photos and the video of the song "Mr. Sun"that we love to hear.

This is our class!

The Snails class has prepared some very good ice cream to refresh the summer and also decorated the class with some beautiful beach bucket. Here you have all the photos and the song of "The ice cream song" that we sang a lot. 

This is our class!

Finally, the class of the squirrels has also painted some ice cream of different flavors and decorated the class with very beautiful sandals. We leave you all the photos. We want to say goodbye with the song "Swimming song" to enjoy the summer. 

This is our class!

¡Petit Mon wishes you a happy Summer!

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